Bjørk Friis is hitting it out off the ballpark with the art to this short story - Goldenpork.
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This is Bjørk. He`s the creator of Tall Tales of Midgard out soon from the wonderful people at sourcepointpress.

"Hilarious and beautifully illustrated. It is truly rare when a story is both entertaining and culturally accurate. Tall Tales of Midgard is steeped in a history and folklore that enriches the story it tells."
Kurly Tlapoyawa - Stuntman, filmmaker, archaeologist extraordinaire.

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Bjørk Matias Friis
Photo: ©Christopher Thomsen

Bjørk Matias Friis is the award-nominated creator of TALL TALES OF MIDGARD. The story, which centers around the thrall Root, is a humouristic take on the viking age where the gods supposedly walked the earth and caused havoc.
Friis masterfully combines humour and historical fact to tell the story of how badly things can go, when mere mortals are tricked into meddling in the affairs of the gods.

If Loki walks among us mortals in this day and age, Friis is surely a relation and he is a revelation on the Danish comics scene.

Danish Art Foundation: Translation Fund

Please note, that government grants for translation fees upon publication can be applied for by publishers wishing to publish a work translated from Danish. Grants may also be applied for to cover production costs for illustrated works. Applications are welcome from foreign publishers wishing to publish a work translated from Danish.

Deadlines: February 15th and August 15th.